Thursday, September 22, 2011

Make Queue Default In Windows Media Player 11 + Office 2003 question.?

Hi. Can you tell me how to make queue the default action for windows media player 11 final when we double click on any media file like mp3 using registry file.

Also how to change Office 2003 professionals' registration details [name and company] using registry file.

Thanks in anticipation. :)Make Queue Default In Windows Media Player 11 + Office 2003 question.?
Some of the basic details are kept in registry, HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Office\Office11

Others are in encrypted files in the office directories

Anything that opens, is kept in the HKLM\Classes registry location. Look under .mp3 or such. Also you can go to Windows Explorer, Tools, Folder Options, Extensions. Look at the different actions for add to queue and open and switch them around.